Have you ever wondered what’s really out there in the night sky? Wished you could zoom in on cosmic marvels? What if you had a handful of astronomers at your elbow, showing the way, answering your questions in plain language?
That’s a Focus Night at Robert Ferguson Observatory! These are small groups so you get plenty of scope time, and a chance to focus on – The MOON. The Moon is the Earth’s nearest cosmic neighbor and the only place in the entire Universe, other than Earth, that has been walked upon by human beings. The Moon is covered in vast lava flows so large you can see them from Earth with the unaided eye. Ancient observers thought they might have been seas but we now know there is no water on the Moon. At least not in liquid form. The Moon is covered with craters but there are also features known as rilles, scarps, swirls and dark halos.
In this lunar presentation you will learn all about these features and then view them through the telescopes. You will also learn how the Moon directly effects life on Earth every day by controlling the tides, how the phases work, why we have eclipses and why we only ever see the side of the Moon that has The Man in it. You will discover what we know about the Moon and what mysteries have yet to be solved.
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Robert Ferguson Observatory
2605 Adobe Canyon Road
- Kenwood
Price: $40.00