Moonlit Migration Silhouettes at Jenner Headlands Preserve

New Moon hike at Jenner
Thu, September 28, 2023, 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Did you know that many migrating birds travel at night?

Have you ever looked at the moon through a scope?

Did you know that often you can see the silhouettes of migrating birds against the face of the full moon through a scope?

This was first discovered by ornithologist William Earl Dodge Scott in 1880 while visiting Princeton University. He was invited to view the full moon through their telescope and was “astonished to see migrating birds silhouetted against the face of the moon.”

Please join us on our Moonlit Migration Silhouettes Guided Walk.

Registered guests will meet at the Jenner Visitor Center in the town of Jenner across from the gas station at 6:00pm. We will consolidate into as few vehicles as possible then together, promptly at 6:15, drive up to our offices on the Headlands.

From there we will hike a short distance to Hawk Hill, where we will watch the sunset and wait for the almost full moon to be high enough in the sky to see the migrating birds silhouetted by its light.

Sunset: 7 pm

Moonrise: 6:55 pm

While we wait, we will hike to the forest edge, listen for birds and coyotes and other night sounds.

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Jenner Headlands Preserve

12001 CA-1 - Jenner