Have you heard about “Shinrin-oku” or “forest bathing”? Here is an opportunity to take a walk and experience the practice for yourself. Learn techniques to maximize the health benefits and stress reducing qualities of this walking practice. Shinrin-yoku originated in Japan and is gaining popularity in the United States for its documented health benefits. This practice takes a walk in the woods to another level. A centering and calming restorative practice, it promotes balance and restored vitality through a quality of presence and heightened sensory awareness. Sugarloaf Ridge State Park hosts a Forest Therapy Series as part of its Park Rx Program the 4th Sunday of the month (March through November) led by certified Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) practitioners.
We invite you to join us on this therapeutic experience of sights, sounds, scents, touch, and memory. The outing begins at the White Barn and meanders less than one mile from the start point in a reverie of introspection and connection to the natural world.
Tickets are $20 or free with a January 2024 or newer Park Rx from a Sonoma County Medical Provider. “Visit https://sugarloafpark.org/activities/parks-rx-program/ to learn about Sugarloaf’s Park Rx Program”. sign up with a Park Rx, please email alma@sonomaecologycenter.org. Please have your Rx available at the time of sign-up, as the number of Park Rx tickets is limited and you will be asked to turn in a copy at the time of registration. Wear layers, comfortable footwear, bring water, sun protection, and if desired, a snack or a picnic to enjoy after the event. Parking fees apply. Heavy rains cancel.
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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
2605 Adobe Canyon Rd
- Kenwood
Price: $20.00