Have you heard about Shinrin-yoku or “forest bathing”? A centering and calming restorative practice, it promotes balance and restored vitality through a quality of presence and heightened sensory awareness. Learn techniques to maximize the health benefits and stress-reducing qualities of this walking practice, which originated in Japan and is gaining popularity in the United States for its documented health benefits.
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park hosts a Forest Therapy Series as part of its ParksRx Program on the 4th weekend of each month (http://parkrx-sonomacounty.org/events/). These walks are led by certified ANFT (Association of Nature and Forest Therapy) practitioners. See http://www.natureandforesttherapy.org/ for more info about this practice.
Tickets are $20 or free with a 2021 ParkRx from a Sonoma County Medical Provider (visit https://sugarloafpark.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/ParksRx_info.pdf for more info). Event limited to 8 participants.
We will hold two walks on June 26th: 9:30am-12:30pm and 2-5pm. Tickets are only valid for the time selected.
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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
2605 Adobe Canyon Rd
- Kenwood
Price: $20.00