Pat Jordan Band

Fri, July 2, 2021, 8:00 pm

Pat Jordan Band has grown into a powerful five-piece acoustic-rock band based in Northern California. With a sound carved from hundreds of live shows, and constant drive to evolve and progress, Pat Jordan Band has developed a devoted following spanning from coast to coast, and a style all their own. There’s a place where sincerity and musical creativity meet, and it’s where Pat Jordan Band and its diverse members have made their home. After years of shows and parties, rehearsals and relentlessly fighting for every last opportunity to play and improve, the band has reached a high-note and is earning their exposure on a scene that could use their presence. It is every musician’s nightmare to have someone attempt to describe their sound… understanding this, it makes most sense to be brief. a Pat Jordan Band concert is more than just music. it’s more than just a good time. it’s seeing, and getting to know a man with a guitar, hearing his words, finding his melodies, and letting it take you over.



AGES 21+

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Twin Oaks Roadhouse

5475 Old Redwood Hwy - Penngrove