Raptor Walk at Red Hill Trail via Pomo Canyon

Sat, September 16, 2023, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

The fall migration is beginning soon! You’re invited to join LandPaths and extraordinary naturalist and longtime friend of LandPaths “Duck” Dave Barry for a raptor sighting hike near the Sonoma Coast. At the top of Red Hill trail, we’re hoping to see just a few of the four billion birds that a flying south this time of year. The day will be filled with beautiful sights of the Russian River, Sonoma Coast, and if were lucky, a few neat birds! We will be hiking and looking for birds all day with a lunch break at the top of Red Hill.

Ticket Pricing:

Donation price of your choice from $5 to $40 you can get up to four tickets for one donation. Payment due upon registration. Refunds only if cancellations are received at least 48 hours in advance.

If you are not able to make a donation please contact Roxy at roxy@landpaths.org, we can make accomodations for you. Your contribution makes events like these possible!

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