Sister City Friendship Dinner – Where Sushi Meets Borshch

Sat, January 25, 2025, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Join us at the Sister City Friendship Dinner, the SWF’s annual tradition where the community gathers together to celebrate Sebastopol’s sister cities, their cultures, and our work for world peace.

The event will showcase food from Ukraine and Japan, where Sebastopol has its two sister cities: Takeo, Japan and Chyhyryn, Ukraine. The pre-pandemic menu will return with additional dishes and treats to complement our famous sushi rolls and borshch, making a full dinner.

Also featured will be cultural entertainment by Zoloti Maky Ukrainian Dance Ensemble and a local Japanese taiko drumming group Sonoma County Taiko.

The year 2025 marks the 40th anniversary of Sebastopol World Friends and the sister city relationship with Takeo, Japan. Help us celebrate 40 years of the community’s commitment to our motto “World Peace, One Friend at a Time”!

Pre Registration is suggested. Visit our website for more information and registration.

Suggested Donations: $30 for adults; $20 for children

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Enmanji Temple Memorial Hall

1200 Gravenstein Hwy S - Sebastopol

Price: $30.00