Slow (Animals) Journey at Sugarloaf State Park

Sun, July 7, 2024, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Do you enjoy a slow walk in a valley, breezes, wildflowers, the sounds of songbirds, the taste of a Douglas Fir needle or a California Bay leaf, the aroma of Tarweed, or watching wild turkeys and California Quail hunt for seeds and insects in the grass? Join California Certified Naturalist Judy Withee and other Sugarloaf docents for this series of meandering explorations.

Each month (weather permitting), we will explore one or two of our accessible trails– the Creekside Nature Trail and the Meadow Trail. Suitable for all levels and a range of mobility, these Sunday afternoon adventures will accommodate people using walkers or wheelchairs, parents with babies in strollers, young children, as well as those who just enjoy slow walks in nature that stimulate the five senses.

Our July program will focus on the animals of the park along Creekside and Meadow Trail. Meet at the main parking lot, about ½ past the entrance kiosk. We will travel about 0.45 miles along the Creekside Nature Trail, then stroll down Meadow Trail for about a mile out to the wooden bridge that crosses Sonoma Creek in search of evidence of eight mammals that make their home in the park. We will explore who they are, learn what their favorite habitat is, what they like to eat, where they fit in the food chain, how the absence of one effects the others, and whether their populations are stable, rising, or in decline. etc. There will be frequent stops and opportunities for conversation, photography, nature journaling, wildlife viewing, resting, etc., so bring your nature journal, camera, or binoculars, if you have them.

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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

2605 Adobe Canyon Rd - Kenwood