Soil Not Oil Conference

Sat, September 17, 2022, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Dear Friends and allies

Today more than ever -after the long confinement that alienates one from each other-, we must gather in person to reconnect and together discuss how to reinvent a reality in which we expect to shift ecological dynamics with solidary community and collective decision making.

Join us and let’s continue the struggle for a world in which all worlds can fit.


Since 2015 the annual Soil Not Oil International Conference has focused on practical solutions to climate change, the most important challenge that humanity currently faces and that hit the ¨global economic center¨, -Europe is facing unprecedented rise of temperatures and historic shortage of water-; climate change has been impacting every year harder as well in the state of California.


As pandemic scare prevails in some sectors, we have decided, with the support of our longtime allies and co-organizers Tara Firma Farms, to move the conference to their farm, which counts with a large barn that they have used for large events and gatherings and that among their facilities include a large functional kitchen to feed attendees and an experienced team that will make public feel home in a safe and healthy environment.

The 8th Soil Not Oil Gathering will take place on:

September 17th and 18th @Tara Firma Farms, 3796 I Street Ext Petaluma CA 94952.

Tickets are available on Eventbrite: Soil Not Oil 2022


Among the formidable participants at the 8th Soil Not Oil Gathering, this year we will have the honor to listen to:

Calla Rose Ostrander, Natural and Working Lands Climate Change Coordinator at California Natural Resource Agency.

Author and energy expert Richard Heinberg kindly accepted our invitation to talk about Our Shifting Energy Terrain.

Dr. Elaine Ingham who uncovered the Soil Food Web 4 decades ago.

Pamm Larry the initial instigator of Prop. 37 will join us to recount her experiences after 10 years of that historic battle between consumers and corporations.

Other confirmed speakers include author, teacher and ecofeminist StarhawkDr. Ignacio Chapela, filmmaker John D. LiuStacy Malkan, Author Jeffrey SmithDiana DonlonMD. Michelle PerroMiriam Volat, among many, many more.


For questions or interviews:


Soil Not Oil is an educational event in which attendees learn about root causes and effects of climate instability as well as solutions that can lead us towards climate stability. We highly recommend this conference to students, educators, activists, farmers, scientists, investors, policy makers, health providers, families, urban planners and everyone else concerned about life on earth.   You can experience what to expect from the Soil Not Oil International Conferences by visiting our Soil Not Oil Coalition You Tube Channel

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Tara Firma Farms

3796 I Street - Petaluma

Price: $100.00