SOLD OUT – Sonoma Coast Wildflower Hike with Dr. Laura Morgan

Sun, May 22, 2022, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

A great opportunity to join naturalist Laura Morgan for a Wildflower Hike on Sonoma Coast. Park in the lot just south of Shell Beach, meet at Carlevaro Way. The hike will go 3 miles north to Blind Beach. Participants can hike as far as they feel comfortable. Families with kids are welcome (no charge for kids under 13). Hikers would need to bring fluids and bag lunches. Significant rain would cancel. (Round trip, approximately 5 miles).

Instructor(s): Dr. Laura Morgan (naturalist & author of Three Jewels: A Field Guide to Three West Sonoma County Trail Systems)
Meets: Carlevaro Way parking lot, just south of Shell Beach, Jenner, CA 95450
Cost: $20 includes materials/ $16 for members of Stewards
Stewards members receive a 20% discount on registration fees. Not a member? Join today!
Purchase Three Jewels by Dr. Laura Morgan, a natural history/field guide to three West Sonoma County, California trail systems. The fascinating natural and cultural history of these areas of Sonoma County come alive through Laura’s wonderful writing style. This book if very well researched and a great resource for hikers, teachers, docents, naturalists and anyone who enjoys learning about the natural and cultural history of these public lands. Stewards members receive 20% off.

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Kortum Trail at Carlevaro Way

Carlevaro Way parking lot - Bodega Bay

Price: $20.00