Speakeasy: Poetry and Music at Santa Rosa Arts Center

Speakeasy at Santa Rosa Arts Center
Thu, January 12, 2023, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Poetry: Ed Coletti widely published internationally.  He also is a  painter and  chess player. Recent poetry collections are When Hearts Outlive Minds (2011), Germs, Viruses & Catechisms (2013) ,The Problem With Breathing (2015)  and Apollo Blue’s Harp (2019). Ed curates the popular blog “No Money In Poetry” and is founder of the quarterly poetry festival readings at Café Frida.

Music: Doug Carhart Americana Blues, sung from the heart. Songs of love, loss, redemption and “saving the world”. Accompanied by Susan Ballinger on fiddle and vocals. Performing songs from his CD, The Path With Heart.

Followed by Open Mic, Conversation and Connection

Light Refreshments.

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Santa Rosa Arts Center

312 South A Street - Santa Rosa