Join Sugarloaf docent Jim Sickles in a geology hike to learn about more about the geological formations that give Sugarloaf Ridge State Park its namesake, how soil composition influences native flora to thrive, and take a lightning-fast journey (in geological terms) through the history of the area, from the time California was underwater to today’s volcanic caldera remains.
Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for youth (12-17 year olds), students, Sugarloaf members and Sugarloaf volunteers, and free for children under 12. Meet at the Visitor Center. Wear layers, appropriate footwear for muddy and/or slippery trails, bring at least a quart of water and if desired, a snack. Heavy rains cancel. Parking fees apply.
Ease of access: the trails we’ll hike during this event are not accessible by wheelchair, bicycle, or stroller. While the Creekside Nature Hike is an ADA-compliant trail, Hillside and Pony Gate are single-track trails with an excess of 8.3% slope elevation.
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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
2605 Adobe Canyon Rd
- Kenwood
Price: $10.00