The Familiar Strangers Full band with guest Bobby Black!

Wed, February 8, 2023, 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Who: The Familiar Strangers Full Band w Bobby Black

Where: Hopmonk, Sebastopol

When: Wednesday February 8th [5:30 – 8:00pm]

A return to one of our fav stages in the north bay! Great food and drink, fabulous stage and sound system (thank you, Bubba!), room to dance and let the body frolic in the open!

We’ll have our old pal, and mentor Bobby Black, tearing it up on the lap steel guitar while wearing that Mona Lisa Buddha’s half smile! What’s he thinking??!!

The band is comprised of top shelf veterans of the bay area music scene. Drawing from such well known bands/performers as Comander Cody, Maria Muldaur, Mad Maggies, Laughing Gravy, San Geronimo, The Rhythm Rangers, Clint Black & more.

Candy Girard – fiddle, vocals & killer smile

Tim Sarter – bass, vocals & infectious friendliness

Kevin Russell – guitar, vocals & set list maker

Sean Allen –guitar pyrotechnics, lap steel, vocals

Tim Gahagan – percussion, drums, snappy dresser 

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HopMonk Tavern – Sebastopol

230 Petaluma Ave - Sebastopol