The Naughty List at The California

Wed, December 14, 2022, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Come and raise an ironic eyebrow and a sincere glass with us as we celebrate the onset of the Holiday Season. Spencer Blank musical directs this saucy, sassy, song-filled skip down holiday lane–with a twist.

Join Spencer and a group of show biz veterans as they apply their classical training to some inspired musical numbers. And stick around after the show for an informal piano bar – plan to sing!


Spencer Blank – Our musical director, Spence has worked extensively in NYC, in cabarets at the Duplex Lounge, and in venues across the city. Bay Area audiences are familiar with his electric presence at Martunis, in San Francisco.
Jessica Cates — a classically-trained soprano who has reinvented herself more times than Cher, she can sing anything under the sun.
Maren Amdal — a classically-trained mezzo,, she brings an ebullient and understated joy and calm that fills a room.
Elliot Yates — a classically-trained baritone/countertenor who defies definition–sings like a bird but you’d never know it because he’s too busy making you laugh
Matt Nightingale — a professional singer/guitar player/minister/crusader for LGBTQIA+ acceptance through Christian eyes–his heart is 800 times bigger than the average human and he spreads his message far and wide online
Dan O’Leary — a singer-of-all-trades who leads with his whole heart– has a fan club larger than Cher’s and brings the house down every time

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The California Theatre of Santa Rosa

528 7th Street - Santa Rosa