The Spindles
A staple of the Sonoma County music scene since their inception in 2001, The Spindles have wooed generations of audiences with their resplendent Second-Wave Americana and Chamber-Rock favorites. Compelled by their revered triple-threat leader Coalmine Spindle, songwriter, singer and guitar-player extraordinaire, The Spindles are comprised of co-founder and efficacious bass player Jaime Voss, the inimitable Henry Nagle on lead guitar, the incomparable drummer Jonathan Hughes, preeminent trombone and bass clarinet players Achilles Poloynis and Mark Philpott, respectively, and the ineffable Ursa Born on backing vocals.
Insta @the.spindles
Stevie Cornell is a Santa Rosa based singer songwriter who started his musical career in the vibrant East Bay punk scene of the late 70s. He then went on to co-found the popular SF Americana group The Movie Stars and retro country band Red Meat before taking a hiatus to raise a son in deepest Vermont. His songs are short, sharp and catchy, with hummable melodies and well turned lyrics. He just released his first solo album to critical acclaim and will be featuring the tunes in his live show.
Reccomended If You Like: Elliott Smith, Wilco, Nick Drake, Pavement, Nick Lowe, The Kinks, The Shins, Chuck Prophet, Magnetic Fields, Big Star
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The Lost Church Santa Rosa
576 Ross Street
- Santa Rosa
Price: $12.00