The current show, WATER, at Sebastopol Gallery, encompasses a selection of current and past works by Sonoma County ceramicist, Chris Boyd, and Sonoma County expressionist painter, Paula Matzinger.
From small mountain streams to the Pacific Ocean, Paula Matzinger is drawn to water. Water finds its way into many of Paula’s paintings, from the reflection of light and color in the water of a small pond, to the patterns of waves and foam on a beach, to the glistening paths winding through a marsh.
Chris Boyd, long time ceramic artist and teacher, can often be seen at the coast collecting seaweed to decorate her thrown vessels and sculpted salmon. She also incorporates cow dung, saw dust and many dried materials like orange and banana peels and walnut shells to create the color patterns and smokey appearance absorbed into the clay. Our tides and rivers are reflected in her ceramics in the swirling appearance left by the fire.
Reception: December 9, 4pm to 6pm.
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Sebastopol Gallery
150 N. Main St
- Sebastopol