Water-wise Gardening for Pollinators and Birds

Tue, March 16, 2021, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Join Daily Acts and Veronica Bowers of Native Songbird Care and Conservation for an informative afternoon discussion on how to build habitat in our gardens to support pollinators and other wildlife. During this talk you will learn how you can play a support role to our ecosystem while also creating a colorful, lush, and low-water use garden sanctuary. Veronica will highlight large and small scale habitat gardens, as well as container gardening as a viable and beautiful way to invite pollinators to any space! Explore the benefits of attracting insects and birds, and watch how your garden will transform over the months. Pollinator and habitat gardens benefit everyone, come and learn how you can get started on creating your own!

Following the presentation we will take a virtual tour of the Native Songbird Sanctuary Habitat Garden and highlight a variety of features, some of which you may not expect, that contribute to habitat and supporting pollinators. You’ll see a number of plants that you can include in your garden, meet some of Native Songbird Care and Conservation’s avian patients, and Daily Acts will send you resources for rebate programs and garden design considerations.

This event is FREE, thanks to the City of Cotati!

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