Wednesdays Wondrous Nature Walks with A Naturalist

Wed, May 12, 2021, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

After an unusually warm and dry spring, the wildflowers are blooming earlier and it’s already butterfly and dragonfly season! We’ll be looking up as well as down to discover what’s flying around while learning a little about riparian, mixed evergreen, and meadow habitats along the way. As always, we will take our time to enjoy and identify the wildflowers, butterflies and dragonflies, and to catch our breath on the uphills.
The 5/5 route takes us on the Creekside and Hillside trails returning via Meadow.
On 5/12 we’ll explore Pony Gate to Canyon and back on the upper section of Pony Gate for our only views and anything we might have missed.
On 5/26, we’ll climb up Lower Bald to the Vista with Meadow on the way back. This is a slightly longer (please budget 4 hours) and more strenuous hike but the flowers, butterflies and dragonflies will be be plentiful and worth the extra time and effort.
Meet outside the Visitor Center. Wear hiking shoes, layers appropriate for weather, bring water, your mask, a camera, and wildflower/butterfly/dragonfly guides if you have them. $10 plus parking fee. Adverse weather cancels and will be announced by 9AM the day of the hike.

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Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

2605 Adobe Canyon Rd - Kenwood

Price: $10.00