Wildflower Hike at Jenner Headlands Preserve

Wildflower walk coast Jenner
Sat, May 13, 2023, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Come out and enjoy the incredible spring wildflowers on the Preserve.  

During our hike we will stroll through an amazing diversity of wildflowers within the Jean Schulz Wildflower Meadow located in the coastal prairie grasslands. Each year, acres upon acres of goldfields (Lasthenia californica) stretch out across the hills above Jenner providing quite a show.  With redwood forest and the Pacific Ocean as their backdrop, there is much for you to see and explore. This 4-mile roundtrip hike will ascend more than 900 feet in elevation and include dazzling views of the Sonoma Coast and Lower Russian River (on a clear day!) Come join the fun and explore the headlands. 

***Optional: 30-minute weeding session, flash mob style – pulling up invasive goat grass from within the serpentine grasslands, at the end of tour.

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Jenner Headlands Preserve

12001 CA-1 - Jenner