Windsor’s Dia de los Muertos celebration returns to the Town Green Saturday, Oct. 29, from 4-9 p.m. This year’s theme is “Regrowing our Roots.”
All are welcome at this free, family-friendly , alcohol-free celebration honoring past generations now among “Los Muertos” – The Dead. From 4 to 6 p.m. enjoy an afternoon of free children’s activities under a tent on the Green (including the popular Sugar Skull workshop and free face painting), a Lowrider Car Show on Market Street, and plenty of vendors selling Latino foods, arts, and crafts, and free music.
Dance, musical performances, food and crafts sales continue from 5 to 9 p.m. As the sun sets at 6 p.m., traditional blessing dances from Sonoma County Pomo Dancers and Danza Xantotl de Santa Rosa will open an evening of Latino heritage arts including performances by the Luther Burbank Center’s Youth Mariachi Orchestra, Sonoma County troupe Ballet Folklorico Jazmin, and a performance by a Oaxacan Ballet Folklorico troupe.
Bring beach and camp chairs to set up on the Town Green to enjoy the music, dance, food and fun.
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Windsor Town Green
701 McClelland Dr.
- Windsor