Words + Music 2023 with Laurie Lewis, Don Henry, Claudia Russell and Bruce Kaplan at Occidental Center for the Arts.
You could call Words + Music a song circle, but with four of folk music’s most distinctive musicians rounding it out, it’s much more than that. When Laurie Lewis, Don Henry and Claudia Russell take the stage, they elevate the experience, singing harmony and accompanying each other instrumentally, while Bruce Kaplan provides the icing on the cake with tasteful guitar and mandolin. Magically, they are transformed into a pop-up band! Tickets to this performance are $35 GA, $30 for OCA members at www.occidentalcenterforthearts.org. Fine refreshments available, art gallery open. Limited capacity indoor auditorium for audience safety. Following current Sonoma County Public Health guidelines for indoor masking. Wheelchair accessible. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct. Occidental, CA. 95465. 707-874-9392.
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Occidental Center for the Arts
3850 Doris Murphy Ct. (Bohemian Hwy @ Graton Rd.)
- Occidental