Saturday, August 19 @ 7 pm. ZipLine Improv at Occidental Center for the Arts. Occidental native Laura Wachtel and her Bay Area actor colleagues return for a fun night of audience-inspired improv. Laugh, cry, watch these super-talented, clever and witty improvisers turn simple ideas into theatrical skits before your eyes. Always popular, always a fun time. Tickets are $20 Advance GA/ $15 OCA members/$10 Kids 6-14 ; (Adults $5 additional at door) @ Fine refreshments, Art Gallery open at intermission. Accessible to mobility-challenged patrons. 3850 Doris Murphy Ct. Occidental, CA. 95465. 707-874-9392. OCA is a nonprofit performing and fine arts organization staffed by volunteers.
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Occidental Center for the Arts
3850 Doris Murphy Ct. (Bohemian Hwy @ Graton Rd.)
- Occidental